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Промышленный еженедельник
№20(967) 24-30 июня 2024

(новый номер каждую неделю)
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Проекты "ПЕ"
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Asia’s Gambit

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Alla Ramilova, PhD Managing Director Swiss Association ‘Alpine Arena for Friendship’, Coordinator SRG PA OSCE conference in Switzerland

Over recent years, the Central Asian states, especially Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, have made targeted efforts to create comfortable conditions and an attractive ecosystem for Western direct investment and cutting-edge technologies. According to international experts, these state measures will eventually result in a favorable investment and business environment and certainly affect the geopolitical role of Central Asia.

Shifting priorities and new players

In recent decades, The People’s Republic of Chinas (PRC) has been the undisputed protagonist of major economic news and the source of inspiration for political mainstreams on the Asian continent. The global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was to be the culmination and formalization of the China’s dominance on the continent and beyond. This grandiose development and infrastructure investment program connecting Asian and European continents was aimed at bringing together Eastern and Western economies. It was supposed to attract $1 trillion in Chinese investments, mainly allocated to developing countries in Asia but also in Latin America and Africa. According to the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University, from 2008 to 2019, the total amount of loans made by the two leading Chinese banks in developing countries ($462 billion) was only slightly below the total amount of lending by the World Bank for the same period ($467 billion).

In previous issues of the special ‘West + East’ project we have touched on various aspects of the BRI process, including western Europe’s critical stance towards the initiative. In particular China’s lending policies, which are the cause of debt crises in many developing countries, have faced sharp criticizism. According to international experts, there has been a gradual reassessment by the Chinese leadership of the goals and objectives associated with the BRI and economic expansion abroad over the last couple of years. The statistics support this, the total volume of foreign lending by the China Development Bank and the Export – Import Bank of China has significantly decreased from $ 75 billion in 2016 to only $ 4 billion in 2019.

The Chinese authorities and Chinese financial institutions are facing huge repayment and loan management issues with emerging recipient countries. By the end of 2020, China was involved in 18 debt restructuring negotiations with 12 countries totaling $28 billion.

In the coming years, the Chinese authorities will significantly reduce the external credit expansion while dealing with the restructuring of already issued loans, and reorient investment and financial flows for domestic needs, according to analysts.

China’s reduction of investment and credit programs around the Belt and Road Initiative may cause a serious financial and economic crises in developing countries already involved in the BRI. According to the Asian Development Bank, if the credit and financing crisis continues, it will threaten developing countries with a yearly infrastructure underfunding of $907 billion.

According to international experts, the financial crises provoked by China’s expansionist lending policy in developing countries, as well as political contradictions between the ‘Celestial Empire’ and the West, worsened as a result of the pandemic. This will lead Western countries and international financial institutions to start revising economic policies and priorities in the Asian continent. The geopolitical focus of cooperation may shift to other countries and subregions of the Asian continent.

The region of Central Asia seems promising in this regard. Of course, the region’s economic weight and geopolitical influence doesn’t compare to that of larger counterparts, such as India, New Zealand, South Korea and others, but it has important competitive advantages that can affect the balance of power and the economic configuration of the Asian continent in the future.

Competitive advantages of Central Asia

Over the recent years, the internationally commonly recognized classification as ‘Central Asia’ refers to the Asian subregion, which includes countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. A total of 72,960,000 people live in Central Asia. The most populous state in Central Asia is Uzbekistan with a population of about 34 million.

According to the IMF, the total GDP of the Central Asian countries in 2019 amounted to $300 billion. To date, the combined share of Central Asian economies in that of the world economy is small, accounting for about 0.3% of it. However, according to UN forecasts, intense regional cooperation alone could double the size of the local GDP in the next five years.

Kazakhstan is the largest economy in the region, accounting for 60% of the regional GDP. Kazakhstan is also the region’s leader in foreign direct investments, attracting 77.7% of such investments in Central Asia. In addition to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan also rightly claims to be the driver of regional market reforms. After the change of political leadership, the country announced a course towards economic liberalization, with a set of relevant reforms in the legislative, monetary, fiscal and other spheres, which immediately affected its economic growth rates.

One of the important competitive advantages of Central Asia, also of geopolitical interest to the West, is its geographical location. Being at the heart of the Eurasian continent between Russia and China, Central Asia is the historical site of the legendary Silk Road linking Asia and Europe. Today, it is the main ‘section’ of China’s global Belt and Road Initiative. It is no coincidence that it was in Central Asia, specifically in the capital of Kazakhstan, that Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced the launch of a new global initiative in 2013.

According to the Central Asia Data Gathering & Analysis Team, the Central Asian countries account for 261 projects and at least $136 million in planned investments under the BRI. One symbolic example is the ‘Western Europe – Western China Intercontinental Highway’, a 8,455 km long highway through Russia and Kazakhstan connecting Western Europe to China.

In an attempt to balance China’s disproportionate increase in influence, the Central Asian states have made corresponding legislative efforts, such as Kazakhstan’s moratorium on land leasing by foreign entities.

On the other hand, expanding economic cooperation with leading Western economies is a guarantee of economic and geopolitical stability in the region for Central Asian countries. For the leading Western countries, a stronger economic presence in Central Asia could give them additional leverage in the Asian continent, especially in the face of a potential crisis caused by Chinese economic expansion.

The structure of Central Asian economies makes the region an interesting strategic priority for the world’s leading powers and attractive to international business. The Central Asian economies are characterized by their rich resource base, but also by their archaic production systems, economic institutions in early stages of formation and a shortage of technologically advanced industries.

The Central Asian states are the repositories of most of the elements in Medeleev’s periodic table: 7.2% of the world’s oil reserves, 7% of the world’s gas reserves, the tenth-largest coal reserves and the ninth-largest gold reserves in the world. In other words, this compact 4,003,451 km2 territory produces the most demanded resources in the world’s economy. The New Silk Road’s development projects should make the access to these resources much easier in the future.

A Developed Financial Environment – the key to the Success

An essential part of the discussion around Central Asia’s integration into the world economy is the ongoing effort to develop financial infrastructures for a successful business environment. Of course, this includes so-called ‘international financial centers’ which have become particularly popular.

The Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) created in Kazakhstan in 2015 is the most systematic in its idea and holistic in its implementation, as the last years have shown.

Based on the infrastructure of the International exhibition EXPO – 2017, held in the capital of Kazakhstan in 2017, the AIFC began its activities in 2018. A number of important financial bodies have been established within a short amount of time. This includes the Astana International Exchange, the International Arbitration Center, the Astana Financial Services Authority, the AIFC Court, AIFC Green Finance Center and various educational centers. As of today, 659 companies from different countries use the services of the AIFC.

In its development strategy, the AIFC primarily focused on three large dimensions: the Eurasian Economic Union, Central Asia and the global Belt and Road Initiative.

When addressing the prospects for the development of an international financial hub in Central Asia, Filippo Lombardi, a Swiss politician, one of the initiators of the Silk Road Support Group of the OSCE PA and coordinator of the Swiss-Kazakh Parliamentary Friendship Group, noted that ‘the AIFC is in many ways a unique project with its potential only still at the very beginning of realization. In a short period of time, it was managed to create a comprehensive legislation and to form working financial and legal bodies, compactly located in one area.

‘An unquestionable advantage of the AIFC’ – continues Filippo Lombardi – ‘is that English law, familiar to many international operators and enshrined in the Constitution, applies in this area. Although inspired by the successful development experiences of globally recognized financial centers (London, New York, Dubai, Hong Kong, etc.), the management of the AIFC did not simply replicate them automatically. Instead, the Kazakhstan center wants to create its unique niche by taking into account the geopolitical situation, local features of Asian economies and rapidly changing tendencies of the international financial market. The structural shifts that inevitably await the world economy at the end of the pandemic may actually serve as a trigger for the rapid rise of the AIFC. We’re talking, amongst others, about changes in traditional production and supply chains, the debt crisis of developing countries, including Asian countries and the growing contradictions between Western countries and China’.

Speaking of new prospects, Filippo Lombardi drew attention to the fact that strengthening cooperation between Switzerland and Kazakhstan, especially in the financial sphere and through the AIFC, could be interesting for both countries. ‘Small Switzerland, as a kind of technology ‘boutique’, including the financial sector, could assist Kazakhstan in the development of new business models and their promotion in other countries.’

Helvetistan – a partnership between Switzerland and Central Asia

The formalization of the partnership and special relationship between Switzerland and the states of Central Asia began in May 1992, when Switzerland became one of the shareholders of the International Monetary Fund. In addition to Switzerland, the newly independent Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan were admitted to one of the sixteen groups of shareholders of the IMF. The group was named ‘Helvetistan’, inspired by Switzerland’s historical and symbolic name ‘Helvetia’.

Switzerland is the country with the most votes in the Group (59 out of 145) and is the only country with a developed economy according to the IMF classification. Thus, Switzerland has not only assumed leadership of the IMF Group, but also a sort of ‘patronage’ role and responsibility for its colleagues – emerging and developing economies in the Group, such as the Central Asian states.

Commenting on Switzerland’s relations with Central Asia, Filippo Lombardi, former president of the Swiss Senate, emphasized that ‘For Switzerland, the Helvetistan format and relations with Central Asian states are very important. Having become a member of the World Bank institutions in 1992 in a group with Central Asian countries, Switzerland regularly develops a set of priority programs for Central Asia, which are based on technical assistance in economic reforms and the development of democratic institutions in the former Soviet republics.’

Specific examples of cooperation are primarily in areas of the so-called ‘Blue diplomacy‘. Switzerland develops and implements joint measures with the Central Asian countries to promote crossregional dialogue and cooperation in the field of distribution and efficient water resource management. Another area of focus are the programs promoting employment and economic development by expanding the private sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Switzerland also implements various ‘good governance‘ programs and promotes cooperation in the field of education and culture.

Undoubtedly, such strategic programs create a solid base for strengthening bilateral trade and economic cooperation. Switzerland ranked first in the list of exporters from countries such as Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and ranks third in terms of volume of foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan.

Commenting on the prospects of relations between Switzerland and Kazakhstan, Kazakh Ambassador to Switzerland Alibek Bakaev said that ‘Switzerland is an important and reliable European partner both for Kazakhstan and for the whole of Central Asia. Switzerland’s political neutrality and impartiality are important conditions for the development of stable and progressive relations. As for economic cooperation, Switzerland’s location at the center of Europe creates a convenient platform for many Kazakh companies to cooperate with European countries.’

Alibek Bakaev adds that ‘The Embassy of Kazakhstan also provides comprehensive support to Swiss companies interested in doing business in Kazakhstan. In recent years, we have seen the emergence of complex projects involving companies from other countries, in which the Swiss side acts as a coordinator for and supplier of technology.

One striking example is the creation of a system of pig farms in Kazakhstan, the end products of which will be oriented towards the Chinese market. This project is based on the technology of the Swiss company SUISAG. The assumption from the Kazakhstani side is that financial and investment bodies and various development institutes will take part in it. This project can serve as a model for similar plans in other industries.’

With the Participation of Alexandra Furio,
University of St. Gallen

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Russian Aviation & Military Guide
Российско-Турецкий деловой журнал
"Высокоточные комплексы" "High-Precision Weapons" "Industrial Weekly" "Ударник" "Актуальная энергетика"
Высокоточные комплексы
High-Precision Weapons
Industrial Weekly
Актуальная энергетика
"Уралмаш Нефтегазовое Оборудование Холдинг" "Energy Russia" "Золотое перо России"
Уралмаш Нефтегазовое Оборудование Холдинг
Energy Russia
Золотое перо России
"MILEX" "NAIS" "Диверсификация" "ЭкваТэк" "ВэйстТэк"
Show-daily Диверсификация
Show-daily EcwaExpo
Show-daily WasteEcoExpo
"АРМИЯ" "MAKS" "ИНТЕРПОЛИТЕХ" "Комплексная безопасность" "RUBAE"
Show-daily АРМИЯ
Show-daily MAKS
Комплексная безопасность
Show-daily RUBAE
Show-daily PAP-FOR
Show-daily РМЭФ
Show-daily ЖКХ России
Show-daily СТТ Экспо
"АГРОРУСЬ" "CeMAT RUSSIA" "ПМГФ" "Морской конгресс" "Российский промышленник"
Show-daily АГРОРУСЬ
Show-daily CeMAT RUSSIA
Show-daily ПМГФ
Show-daily Морской конгресс
Show-daily Российский промышленник
"Военно-морской салон" "НЕВА" "МТК" "EXPO"
Show-daily МВМС
Show-daily Международная выставка НЕВА
Show-daily Международный технологический конгресс
Show-daily EXPO
Industrial Daily:
Industrial Daily ИННОПРОМ
Industrial Daily ЭКСПО-Астана
Industrial Daily Интерполитех
Книги и брошюры:
10 лет АО «НПО
«Высокоточные комплексы»
От мечты к подвигу»
125-летию Мао Цзэдуна
- Е.А. Федосов»
История Корпорации
Валерий Стольников
Сто стихов
70 лет системе ВТС России
Металл Фото Арт Фестиваль промышленной фотографии Московский клуб промышленных журналистов Премия имени Никиты Кириченко
Московский клуб промышленных журналистов
Московский клуб промышленной журналистики.
Учредитель и издатель:
ООО «Редакция газеты «Промышленный еженедельник». Издание зарегистрировано в Министерстве Российской Федерации по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовой информации.
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«Промышленная редакция»
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+7 (495) 505-76-92
+7 (495) 729-39-77
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Промышленный еженедельник
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